Thursday 8 May 2014

edits Karen Knorr inspired

After editing my William Eggleston inspired I was contemplating how they would be viewed on a wall next to there contexts list . I already know I don’t want the actual images themselves anything above an A3 really because the portraits are quite personal and intimate and I want them to be viewed that way so how big would the contents list framed beside it . This made me think back to the begging of the project where I did the Karen knorr style edit of the contents of my memory box . I thought I could try this style again but with my Eggleston style edit an a white frame connected to the contents list .  The result is as followings ;

See now after creating these I am torn between which style of edit to use for my final series , the images are the same in each but do I want the contents list attached or not . The plus side to thembeing attached like in this series is that it is convenient for the hanging but on the other hand I think the white surrounding frame is distracting form the photographs themselves . 

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