Tuesday 6 May 2014

Concept for final piece

Concept for final piece

So its that time to start putting all my bits of research and influences into my own imagery. Dead line is approaching and I am still to take my images, edit my images and finales my series.

Sticking to the themes of family album portraiture that I have been exploring in my blog I am going to create a series of un conventional family photographs. I am going to use my 6 female family members and photograph them with there memory boxes . This includes myself sally Jenkins , my sister charlotte Jenkins , my mother Debbie Jenkins, Both my aunties Kate Windsor and Dawn Higgins and Finally My nan Christine Humphreys . To make the photographs an un-stereotypical virsion of a family photo I will be creating faceless portraits by cropping them at the shoulders/ neck so there face is not in the images .I will be focusing on the memory boxes that they are holding in the images.

I will not be showing the contents of the boxes , as explained on my Schrodinger’s cat blog post .

I have decided to photograph the subjects in their own surroundings, like Williams Egglestons work I want the photographs to be as real and every day as possible. I am going to ask my subjects to be photographed in the same room there memory boxes are usually kept .

I will also be looking for details in my faceless images that mirror glimpses of my subjects personality or that quirky features that reiterate that fact that these images are suppose to be ordinary , Ie . possible include my odd socks or my nans slippers , these details I will experiment with whilst shooting

And finally I have created a contents list for both mine and my auntie Katie’s memory box so far in the format of a list . Again to add a splash of personality and life to each image I will ask each individual subject to write they own memory box contents however they please. These could include personal story’s or the bare minimum, that’s up to them. I’m still uncertain as to how to present the contents list with the imagery. I will experiment with both a Karen Knorr style like at the very beginning of the project where the contents are a Photoshop composite and apart of the frame image or individually framed beside the solo standing image.

Let the shooting commence , beginning with me !

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