Wednesday 30 April 2014

Penny Klepuszewska

Penny Klepuszewska's work has  been included in many prestigious exhibitions including ‘Bloomberg New Contemporaries’, ‘ARTfutures 2008′ at the Bloomberg Space, ‘Future Map 07′ at the UAL Arts Gallery, ‘How We Are: Photographing Britain’ at Tate Britain, ‘Shenzhen Biennale - China’ and ‘Zoo Art Fair’ at the Royal Academy of Arts.
She has won a number of awards, including First Prize in the Pilsner Urquell ‘UK Photographer of the Year: Deeper Perspective’ International Photography Awards, First Prize in the British Journal of Photography/Nikon Endframe Award, First Prize in the Next Level/Vorsprung Durch Technik Contemporary Photography Awards, as well as receiving a photography bursary from the National Media Museum, a grant from the Arts Council England and a nomination for the 2009 Northern Art Prize.

I have been researching a project she did called 'living arrangements'. I find it interesting how she has taken everyday situation and set them up up a studio. and how she made the controlled lighting look almost natural. In a large selection of the series the main focus of the images is composed to just one side of the images space leaving black surrounding the possessions ,highlighting the themes of isolation . Looking at her work she has given the objects emotive values which so far I have not been able to do .These pictures are dark and can leave the viewer feeling alone and saddened.

‘Living Arrangements’ considers life in old age and focusses on how the home, often regarded as a place of shelter, can become an island of isolation for some in later life.

Living Arrangements 01

Living Arrangements 01

Living Arrangements 01

Living Arrangements 01

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