Wednesday 30 April 2014

Pirjo Keene

Pipa Keene - Family Heirlooms

"More than just a means of recording reality, for me photography is also a starting point for an experimental creative process. My eye and imagination are most often caught by the quirky details of everyday life or by nature – there is so much beauty in the ordinary which I hope to share with the viewer.

Looking at the world through a viewfinder not only isolates and frames the subject but also allows me to enter into a state where my surroundings and time cease to exist. This coupled with the camera’s fascinating ability to record what the eye cannot see – blurred or frozen motion, selective focus and the distortions caused by various lenses, enables me to recreate reality with a twist of my own."

Although I struggled to find her intent for this in particular series of images called " family heirlooms "you can gather the idea or make assumptions from the imagery . it looks to me as though she has photographed her keep family heirlooms / keep sakes on top of old photographs linked to the object . Both of these things (family heirlooms and old  family photographs) can be found in memory boxes . I wouldn't mind conducting a similar experiment with either my memory box or a family members . I feel like this may be the emotive (human) presence missing from my other images . It cant hurt to try !

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