Friday 25 April 2014

Anne White # 2

Anne whites website is bursting with inspirational projects . I have already looked at her "hoarding project" but being curious I explored the rest of her website. I came across the series "Transformation" and thought back to my initial research ideas . I expressed very early on in the project that I am interested in photographing peoples houses as form of memory box . Again I really Anne whites style and composition in these shots. she concentrates on photographing details rather than rooms and uses only natural light I have included her project outline below . I may not be doing my photographs for the exact same reason as her but it has defiantly inspired a series in me

Transformation- Anne White
I have worked with Age UK group, ‘Out in the City’ to create a photo book about identity and memory in the elderly LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) community in Manchester. For the project I interviewed seven people and with poet Andrew McMillian and we created a series of images and poems illustrating some of the difficulties that people gone through concealing their true identity, some, for the majority of their lives.

There are numerous preconceptions held about being LGBT but attitudes and equality laws are slowly changing. The Equality Act 2007 states that people cannot be discriminated against on the grounds of their sexuality but many are still suffering from outmoded views and prejudices. It is vitally important to remember that freely expressing your sexual identity has only recently been realised, with many who still find the task too monumental to carry out after years of secrecy.

I am deeply indebted to Mike, Anna, Alan, Chris, Peter John, Peter, Andy and Ivan who opened their homes and lives to me. They are an extraordinary group of people who have educated and helped me indescribably.

My nans house
As I have previously mentioned upon beginning this project almost everybody I have stopped to have a conversation with I have asked if they have a memory box. On my last visit down to Stoke-on-Trent ( my home town) I asked my nan if she had a memory box . Her reply was along the line of I have a house full of memory boxes in fact my house is a memory box . After looking at Anne Whites Transformation project I just think it would be perfect to photograph my nans house . However I feel like this is not an ordinary "grandmas house" the beauty about my nan is that that she is creative , modern and full of colour and joy. I cant stress this enough she is just a fabulous person! My nans house isn't only a living memory box but I feel like it reflects her life and personality.
None of these images have been staged , I have just photographer things as I found them . Also I turned up without warning so I purposely didn't give her time to tidy or re-arrange anything . ( iv put my favourite images slightly larger)
Hope you enjoy your glimpse into my nans wonderful and quirky household .


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