Wednesday 30 April 2014

Auntie Katie

So like I have previously mentioned I have been asking everybody and anybody about there memory boxes or anything they may collect. I have surprisingly noticed that my finding so far are generally gender based . I have asked , friends , family members , work colleges and the majority of women said yes to keeping some form of memory box and to date I have only come across one man who has . My uncle Time has kept a memory box from when he travelled the world working on cruse ships .I would like to look into this gender division further later in my project .
Below is a selected amount of objects kept in my Aunty Katie's memory box. After finding the work of Jon Crispin photographing the possessions of the patents of the insane asylum I thought about dissecting memory boxes further. I viewed my aunties memory box and asked her to select her favourite objects . If these were locked away for years how do they portray her ?
She has picked the following 11 items. I am wondering if her items are themed , mine memory box is themed around my teenage years and experiences. Hers seems to be mainly preserving childhood .
Whilst photographing the chosen items my auntie had the same reaction as me and felt the need to tell story's around the objects. I should have gotten her to write them in her own words but instead I have written a sentence on each , the bit I remembered . Still think my work is lacking in human presence , this project is so personal and emotive I feel I need to introduce more components to my images so they are not just objects.
Baby Brothers first pair of " proper" shoes.
School photograph of younger brother.

Cereal box toy from holiday in Italy.

Disco Pippa Doll with moving arms and legs.

Birthday card from grandmother.

First swimming certificate .
Charm bracelet from 8th birthday .Charms include a frog ,a match and a chick in an egg.

Hospital bill from birth in Australia .

Photo processing envelope.

Italian Train ticket.

Mystery high school valentines day card . Still anonymous to this day.
 The same as my memory box I have only photographed a selection on items from within , I have noted the contents of the entire memory box below .

Katie’s memory box content list
 Small plastic toy house
 Mini pot frog
 Pippa Doll
Childs charm bracelet with box  
Journal from 1985
Homemade record cover
Canals of Britain memo book
11x Greetings cards
Photo processing envelope
Hospital bill from birth
TV & Antenna receipt for $190.00
2x Swimming certificates
3x Address  books
School play script
Little brothers birth bracelet
2x Foreign train tickets
Handwritten directions to a pub in Stoke-On Trent
6x Pen pall letters
2 x type written song lyrics
Photocopied picture of Elvis Castelo
A daughter is somebody who always cares book
Lewis department store paper bag
Pair of baby shoes
School photograph of brother


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