Monday 17 February 2014

YOUTUBE VIdeos and karen knorr

I have been trying to research ways of presenting the contents of my memory box and its story's for my practice . I have come across what seems to be a slight phemonimon on Youtube of people unpacking there memory boxes on camera and explaining what everything is and why and who it reminds them of ect ect. There are mainly what I like to call semi professional / professional youtubers who construct these videos but there are also lower quality videos available to view. Its such an uplifting experience being able to share somebody treasured childhood/ adulthood memory's when you are in no way connected to there story's.  Its also made it even more evident that peoples memory boxes although personal to them have similar themes to others and collect similar objects.  I have used the media of video before and I would feel comfortable with the equipment but filming myself I would find a bit of a challenge . I have respect for these people having the confidence to share something so personal with the entire world of YouTube but its not something I see myself doing.  Below I have included a video that I feel links with the contents of my memory box because of the age she recorded it .

Well I don't really have much of an "Online personality" and I don't feel comfortable sharing my memory box via the media of video . I couldn't imagine the gallery wall where we show case our work being a video of myself talking , it would just make me cringe but I do feel the need to share the contents of my memory box and the story behind keeping those objects on my blog. This lead me to think of a word and image photographer that I have used as inspiration in my practice before , Karen Knorr . Knorr did a series of 26 images in the series Gentleman (1981-1983). She photographed English gentlemen at gentleman's clubs in saint James in central London. Sat underneath the black and white portraits is  text constructed out of speeches of parliament and news. She has used Word and image together to create humour in her word and to poke fun at traditional English gentlemen's clubs .

I believe that adding text to an image can humanize it further and make it even more relatable to to the viewer. It can be informative , it can push opinions or it can simply add more depth or a background story to it .  I would like to share individual objects in my memory box in this style , Lost in a chunky white boarder which is mirroring the idea of a contained memory I would like to share short captions with my photographed objects . See if worded correctly if I can share some of my private memory's , I would also like to try and share the emotive quality's of this objects through my imagery weather it be humorous ( which Im guessing the majority will be ) or more serious emotions . I wont know until I re-open my memory box and start to shoot.

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